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how do i cancel or change my subscription?

  1. launch the apple app store
  2. click on your profile icon
  3. select the innercise® app
  4. to cancel your subscription, press “cancel subscription.”
  5. to change your subscription, click “see all plans” and select the plan you’d like to switch to.

what’s included in the free version?

after the free 7-day trial, if you decide to cancel your subscription, you will still have access to a limited number of innercises, generally the first level of each program. to gain full access to all innercises, upgrade to a plan that works best for you.

what’s included in premium?

with a premium subscription, you gain access to all Innercises and innercise® bursts. you will also be able to access all new features as we roll them out.

what’s the investment for innercise®?

for only $79.99 USD/year, $9.99 USD/month subscription, or $199.99 USD one time, you get to experience life-changing mental and emotional transformations through innercise®.

what is innercise®?

just as people exercise to strengthen their muscles and cardiovascular system, think of innercise® as a way to strengthen your mind and optimize your brain for peak performance. our expertly created brain training audios and programs use the most advanced methods to reprogram and condition your subconscious mind so you achieve greater success in every area of your life. our longer innercise “stacks” use various combined techniques to “refire and rewire” your brain for greater focus, awareness and self-confidence to name just a few benefits. we also have shorter innercise “bursts” that are powerful self-talk, visualization and emotionalization innercises to do anywhere anytime in less than 10 minutes. we now have over 10 years of neuroscience research with over 114,000k people innercising worldwide. innercise® will help you stop procrastinating or self-sabotaging as you eliminate limiting beliefs and reduce fear and negativity from your mind. innercise® will boost your self-confidence by developing empowering new habits and an unstoppable mindset. innercising daily will help you gain the focus and self-confidence to accomplish all your goals and dreams… faster and easier than ever before

what are innercise® bursts?

innercise® bursts are short audios that use specific language patterns in combination with powerful affirmations to create and reinforce new beliefs and behaviors for greater focus, awareness, and success.

how do I innercise®?

it’s fun and simple. all you do is put on your headphones/earphones/earbuds and choose the brain training track or program that matches your needs or goal. then, just listen and follow along as you get fully immersed in the brain training session. when you're finished, you may listen to the same track again or select one of your favorites. spaced repetition has proven to help you develop new empowering neural patterns faster so, it’s highly encouraged that you repeat the same track at least 7-10 times over the course of 1 week. you can listen to more than 1 innercise® in a day so, let innercise® work its magic and watch yourself transform from the inside out

what is the best time of day to innercise®?

you can innercise® at any time of the day and we recommend early in the day if your schedule permits.

can i innercise® while i am sleeping?

you do need to stay awake while innercising.

do i need to wear headphones while listening to the innercises

yes, due to the audio technology that is used in the innercises and some of the dual-ear techniques we use in some of the innercises, it is recommended to wear headphones or earbuds. they do not need to be noise-canceling.

can i innercise® more than once a day?

you can innercise® more than once a day and we highly recommend it to reinforce the positive, constructive neural patterns.

can i do other activities while innercising?

yes, you can perform a light task while innercising but nothing that takes up too much of your attention like driving or working.

what if i am new to innercising, where do i start?

we suggest starting with the foundation level or with some of the “bursts” or stacks to get a feel for the different types of innercises.

what are the various techniques used in the innercises?

  • guided imagery & visualization
  • metaphorical stories
  • precision affirmations / positive self-talk
  • reframing & anchoring techniques
  • meditation and mindfulness/acceptance training
  • cognitive dissonance reduction
  • cognitive priming techniques
  • cognitive behavior therapy
  • new habit formation techniques
  • brain re-scripting techniques
  • proprietary brain activation technology
  • mental contrasting training
  • mindset and emotional mastery training
  • guided self-hypnotherapy

will i still benefit from the innercises if i am deaf in one ear?

there is no evidence showing limitations of comprehension for people with partial or total deafness. since you can hear, there’s no evidence to suggest that you wouldn’t get the same benefit from the program as someone with full hearing.

english is not my first language, will i still benefit from listening to the innercises?

as long as you understand english, you will still benefit from the innercises. your subconscious will translate the words to your mother tongue if needed.

do i need to start the innercise® over if my mind wanders and i am not paying full attention to the innercise?

you do not need to start over. the programs are designed to work on your subconscious mind. just relax, and try to bring your mind back to what john is saying in the innercises if you can. in some of the innercises there will be too much going on, so just let it go and allow yourself to be relaxed and calm.

do i need to listen to each level of the “bursts or stacks” in order?

we do suggest starting with level 1 in each of the innercise bursts or stacks.